A little about ye olde bookshoppe!
Gohd Books officially opened in April 2009, with a collection of hard-to-find books hidden in an equally
obscure shophouse along Serangoon Road, Singapore. The Serangoon Rd days were fun - we were
lodged on the 2nd floor of the shophouse, above a Karaoke Pub, and friends gathered there nightly
to read, talk, and share in the misery of having to listen to the outrageously loud (and bad) singing
from the pub below.
Besides being a bookstore, Gohd Books began as, and remains, a space for events and gatherings.
So far, we have held flea markets, book launches, gigs, art exhibitions, parties, talks and a 2-day
punk music festival! Check out our Events page for upcoming and past events.
In August 2009, we moved to a much quieter neighbourhood, and operated on a
By Appointment Only system.
In August 2010, Gohd Books opened a second outlet in:
49 Haji Lane Singapore 189242
Eloquence in Stone - The Lithic Saga of Sri Lanka
Price: SG$160.00
GOHD Books is delighted to be the official distributor in South-East Asia of Eloquence in Stone - The Lithic Saga of Sri Lanka
It is the tale of Sri Lanka’s stone heritage through the ages - the amazing saga of a small people on a small island who are heirs to one of the oldest living cultures in the world; who still speak the same language, practice the same religion and follow the same customs as their ancestors did more than 2,000 years ago.
Eloquence in Stone is the story of their art and craft; their architecture, sculpture and painting the story of man in a world shaped by his environment.
Spanning the history of this country and the life of the people from their very beginnings in the cave about the 127,000 year ago to the end Kandyan era in the 18th century, this book has been initiated by Nihal Fernando, founder of Studio Times Limited. It is a book where words and images come together to weave the story of this land and its people. Extensively researched and with a comprehensive glossary and bibliography, the text is academic. Yet it is beautifully written by SinhaRaja Tammita-Delgoda, and together with the photographs, the book not only educates and enlightens, but also inspires. The publishers hope that this book will prompt the people of this country, particularly the children, to think about their heritage and what they are doing to it and to themselves, before it is too late.
Specification of Eloquence in Stone:
Size of Book: 12x12x3 inches approximately No. of Pages: 475 No. of Photographs: 465 Colour & Black & White photographs With photography by Nihal Fernando & Anu Weerasuriya, Luxshmanan Nadaraja, Christopher Silva, Devaka Seneviratne, Roshan Perret of Studio Times Ltd. Text by: SinhaRaja Tammita-Delgoda A Hard Cover edition with four colour printing of the colour photographs and duo tone printing of the black & white photographs
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